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Mini Version (If you have just 45 seconds)

My name is Kristin Gorski. I have an EdD in Instructional Technology and Media. My research focuses on writing and note-taking in online spaces, how educational technology may be used to support development of academic and media literacy skills, and how social learning in online spaces may support academic skills development.

I am also an occasional freelance writer, editor, copy editor, and proofreader. I work primarily with print and online publications. For more than a decade, I have worked in the marketing, advertising, technology, trends, education, and arts/culture fields. Thanks to technology, I work with clients all over the world.

For a few years prior to this, I taught English and writing (including the writing process, grammar, creative writing, poetry, and research skills) and a host of other subjects.

I offer the following services to my clients:
-- writing
-- editing and proofreading (APA, Chicago and AMA style)
-- public speaking (about writing-related topics)
-- teaching and tutoring (for adults, teens, and children)
-- consulting (corporate writing programs, customized topics) 

Do you have a project you'd like to collaborate on? Email me to discuss.

Grande Version (If you have 4-5 minutes)

20 questions (and answers) with Kristin Gorski — writer, editor, and author of "Write now is good."

1. Why do you write?

I love it. It is authentically me. I enjoy it immensely.

2. Do you write everyday?

I do now, though I haven’t always. Writing every day keeps my skills honed and my expression clear. It’s so true for me that writing is like a muscle — if I don’t keep at it, it loses its strength.

3. Is writing what you do for a living?

Yes, it is my bread and butter. I’ve written everything from feature articles to advertising newsletters to marketing materials to educational reports. I’m also a freelance editor/copy editor/proofreader. I enjoy this because I like to read so much and I always learn new things with each job. I also taught writing, specifically the writing process, focusing on short stories, memoir, poetry, and research writing.

I've worked in the fields of marketing, advertising, publishing, graphic design, education, and the fine arts.

4. What are you working on now?

Since 2009, I have been immersed in graduate studies, working towards a doctorate in educational technology. I have taken enlightening classes, been involved in highly interesting research, and met wonderful peers, professors, and future colleagues. Happily settled in this community of learners, I have earned my doctorate and am looking forward to next steps.

Selected online writing/editing/researching projects:

In 2010, I continued to work for NewsTrust, primarily in hosting and writing for news hunts on topics like immigration, New York City, and education reform. In August, NT launched an exciting new experiment called Truthsquad, partnering with the Poynter Institute and with as advisors; I'm privileged to be working on this with the team.

In 2009, for NewsTrust, I co-edited Think Like a Journalist by Michael Bugeja, NT Advisor and Director of the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication at Iowa State University. Following that, I co-wrote and -edited NT's Teacher Guides: Can You Trust the News? How to Teach Students to Recognize Good Journalism. They're available in both online and PDF versions.

Throughout 2008, I wrote articles about technology, new media and the U.S. presidential race for "The Huffington Post's Off The Bus", their ground-level coverage of the election season. You can find the articles I wrote by clicking here. Another exciting project I'm currently involved with is media literacy site NewsTrust, where I am an editor, host and reviewer.

In 2007, I worked on a pro-am journalism endeavor called "Assignment Zero", which is supported by Wired Magazine; here, I interviewed, reported, and wrote about "crowdsourced books" and wrote an article that was featured on called "Creative Crowdriting: The Open Book". I contributed a chapter on the writing/blogging/conversation phenomenon to the collaborative book "The Age of Conversation". At the start of the year, I began blogging on occasion for PSFK, an inspiring blog about ideas, trends, and culture. I am also a "speed noveling" afficianado; I just won National Novel Writing Month for the third year in a row by writing a 50,000-word novel draft in 30 days. I continue freelance writing and editing for my regular clientele.

In 2006, I was involved in some exciting cross-media projects. I blogged mid-term election coverage for BBC Radio Five Live’s show “Up All Night”. I even got to be on the radio again as part of it. I won National Novel Writing Month for a second time. I did copywriting, copy editing and proofreading for a few mainstream U.S. magazines (print versions, not online).

Throughout it all, I work with my regular freelance clients and blog when I find time to do so.

5. So, you really like words, eh?

Yes, I heart words. Without them, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

6. What’s the first publication you ever worked for?

When my brother and I were very young, we started a magazine that ran for one issue. (Then we went outside and played.)

7. What do you have of your “own” writing?

I’ve written three novels, all parts of a trilogy and all unpublished (at this point). After some more polishing, I'll be sending out queries in 2008. I’ve also written more than 200 poems and a small group of short stories. In addition, I have countless notebooks and sketchbooks from years of writing and sketching.

8. What’s your favorite grammar rule?

I taught writing and grammar for many years, so I think all grammar rules are very important. Everyone needs guidelines so that they can express themselves concisely and be understood.

9. Humor features prominently on your writing blog. Why?

I’m a serious person by nature and am very serious about my work, but I come from a family full of people with great senses of humor. So while growing up, I developed an appreciation and understanding of humor’s importance to daily life. I am lucky because this really helps me maintain balance and perspective.

10. Got any favorite jokes?

Plenty, but I’d like to point you to a very funny article in "The Onion" instead: “Fire truck! Fire truck! Fire truck!” by Edwin Brauer. It’s an opinion piece by a 2-year-old seeing a fire truck for the first time. It is so hilarious for two reasons: 1) It’s funny because it’s true, and the writer really knows his/her 2-year-old viewpoint. 2) The notion of a 2-year-old writing such an opinion piece is incredibly funny in itself.

11. You regularly feature clip art and interesting signs on your blog. Why?

I’m also a visual artist and graphic designer, getting a degree in it and attending classes and studios continuously. The word-image combinations fascinate me because there are so many possibilities for different interpretations, different stories to arise. Words tell stories, so do images.

12. Music fuels your writing. What do you look for in writing music?

Something that gets me moving, something with an infections hook or a really distinctive ambient vibe. I like all kinds of music and regularly feature different writing mixes on my blog’s right-hand side.

13. How do music and writing intersect for you?

I find a lot of inspiration in music, from the actual songs and from the musicians themselves. I write well while listening to music — it can really get me moving if I need to crank out a lot of words. It can also help me set a mood for a specific scene I’m writing.

14. Do you have any words of wisdom for your readers?

Yes, one personal philosophy guides me:
Never give up.

15. Why “Write now is good.”?

It is my philosophy for this blog. If I ever ask myself when I should write, I just have to think of my blog's title for the answer.

16. What is one interesting fact about yourself?

To be decided...

17. If someone were to discover your blog, where should she or he start reading?

There is a list of favorite blog posts located in the upper-left-hand column of this page. Click through and take a read.

18. What’s the most surprising thing to you about blogging?

I have readers from six continents (come on, Antarctica, you can do it). I’ve found an incredibly supportive and interesting writers/bloggers community. I’ve found kindred spirits all over the globe. It’s very inspiring and richer than I expected.

19. Anything else you’d like us to know about you?

That’s all for now. If I think of anything else, I’ll add it here.

20. Who would you like to thank?

My husband, for always supporting and encouraging my Adventures in the Blogosphere, and our son, who writes frequently, which is always encouraged.