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October 24, 2006


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I am reading this advice on November 17th, and as I am approaching that elusive 35,000 work mark I have to concur with all that you have said. I never thought I'd get this far, but I am having a great time, I'm feeling wildly productive and so much more confident as a writer.



You're welcome, Evelyn! Thanks for your comment.

Wow — the 35,000 mark. That is WILDLY productive — you ARE on a roll. I have a feeling you'll be at 50k and beyond before too long.

Isn't it amazing how this absurd challenge seriously raises a writer's confidence? I feel it's one of the best things I've ever done for my writing.

Keep us posted on your progress!


I did Nano last year, and all your advice sounds good! I particularly like the part about the lucky tshirt. I may try that actually. Although I'm sure it will stink by the end of the month ;D

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  • My name is Kristin Gorski. I recently earned my doctorate (EdD) in instructional technology and media. My research focuses on technology and literacies, writing in digital spaces, and how media literacy may support academic literacy (among other incredibly interesting topics). On occasion, I’m also a freelance writer and editor. “Write now is good.” is my personal blog about writing, creativity and inspiration (with healthy doses of technology in relevant places). I started it in blogging's heyday (2006) and still post to it, time permitting. If you'd like to collaborate on a project, have writing/technology/creativity info to share, or want to say, "Hi," contact me at kgwritenow (at) yahoo dot com. To read more about me, click on the "ABOUT" link below.


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