This map from Reporters Sans Frontieres (Reporters Without Borders) shows the thirteen countries where Internet access is restricted through censorship.
These days, if the Internet is restricted, then discussion is restricted.
If discussion is restricted, then debate is restricted. So is the flow of information, arguing, dreaming, problem-solving, innovation and imagination—all by-products of a society with healthy, free social discourse.
This made me think about how many potential storytellers are not able to get their words out because their thoughts are restricted. I think there are stories in these countries that the rest of the world needs to hear, yet we are not able to because the storytellers can't even dream them yet.
Great post. Keep in mind that Internet access is not the only measure of censure. Especially women throughout the world cannot express themselves for other cultural and hierarchical reasons. I think we have even more of a social responsibility to speak out because they can't.
Posted by: Colorful Prose | April 06, 2007 at 01:40 AM
Colorful Prose — Absolutely. I am so glad you brought up that point.
Posted by: KG | April 06, 2007 at 08:12 AM
There are so many things I take for granted, and feeling free to express myself is one of them. The other is that although there is still discrimination between the sexes even in a country like England, I am able to live on my own, buy my own house, and I do these things without giving it a second thought.
But as recent as the late 60s women could not buy property in the UK, unless they had a guarantor (even if they had the hard cash to pay for it). And here in Istanbul (where I am on holiday) my partner's 24-year old cousin, is not allowed to leave home and live on her own, despite the fact that her family isn't religious AND the fact that she has a great job as a lawyer.
Thank you for yet another a thought provoking post.
Posted by: Waspgoddess | April 07, 2007 at 06:10 AM
Wow. You really opened my eyes to something that had never crossed my mind.
Thank you for that.
Posted by: Tori | April 07, 2007 at 07:36 PM
Kristin, I've tagged you for the Thinking Blogger award/meme.
Posted by: Waspgoddess | April 08, 2007 at 05:12 AM
Colorful Prose makes such a pertinent point there. I recently read Princess, supposedly a real-life account of behind-the-veil life of a Saudi Arabian princess. Even if 10% of what the books says is true, I feel eternally blessed to be living in a land that allows me to think and express freely. As an individual and as a woman.
Thanks for bringing this up, KG.
Posted by: Bhaswati | April 08, 2007 at 12:43 PM