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April 12, 2007


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Sharon Sarmiento

Wow, Kristin--it's so cool that you can write with music going. I've tried to do that, but I just can't get going. It seems like I need silence or the sounds of nature (really being outdoors)to get into a zone.

I've heard that Andy Warhol used to work in a room full of televisions going at the same time and that he thought the incoming stimuli would positively affect his creativity in his art.

It's so interesting how music and outside stimuli (or lack of) affect an artists' work and productivity.


Sharon — That's a great fact about Andy Warhol and the TVs.

And I can only write with music some of the time. Other times, I do need complete, total silence.

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  • My name is Kristin Gorski. I recently earned my doctorate (EdD) in instructional technology and media. My research focuses on technology and literacies, writing in digital spaces, and how media literacy may support academic literacy (among other incredibly interesting topics). On occasion, I’m also a freelance writer and editor. “Write now is good.” is my personal blog about writing, creativity and inspiration (with healthy doses of technology in relevant places). I started it in blogging's heyday (2006) and still post to it, time permitting. If you'd like to collaborate on a project, have writing/technology/creativity info to share, or want to say, "Hi," contact me at kgwritenow (at) yahoo dot com. To read more about me, click on the "ABOUT" link below.


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