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May 05, 2007


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"The ocean doesn't care."
This short sentence is profound and profetic.
It gives me pause and a renewed perspective on life.


Yep, that's the sentence that got me too..."the ocean doesn't care." It's weirdly comforting. Nothing personal.

I don't know whether this is fiction or not (which is a sign of your skill) but I really enjoyed it.


"the ocean doesn't care"
...i think thats the most insightful thing i've heard about the sea!


The ocean cares. It's we who do not respect the power of the ocean.


rel — Gave me a huge pause, too. Still does.

Mardougrrl — This is true. Perhaps I'll write more about this trip, the people and the whole experience...

angel — Thanks for your thoughts and for your first comment here!

gautami — I see what your saying. What our dive leader was trying to do was remove any romantic notions we had about a beautiful, benevolent sea as we readied for a challenging dive. It made us hyper-aware of ourselves and the conditions, which we needed.

And I agree — most humans don't respect the power of the sea, and this will continue to get us into huge trouble — from pollution and over-development — if we, as a society, don't start respecting it.

Crafty Green Poet

I think gautami's right there! Though it depends how you look at it. Good post, I could never go diving!


My mom died diving at 44 and they never really figured out why in the autopsy. I believe in the power of the ocean. xxoo


Crafty Green Poet — Yes, the ocean deserves respect!

Tammy — Your comment left me speechless. Your story is every diver's nightmare. I can only imagine how difficult that was for you. Sending you lots of positive vibes right now. xxoo

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  • My name is Kristin Gorski. I recently earned my doctorate (EdD) in instructional technology and media. My research focuses on technology and literacies, writing in digital spaces, and how media literacy may support academic literacy (among other incredibly interesting topics). On occasion, I’m also a freelance writer and editor. “Write now is good.” is my personal blog about writing, creativity and inspiration (with healthy doses of technology in relevant places). I started it in blogging's heyday (2006) and still post to it, time permitting. If you'd like to collaborate on a project, have writing/technology/creativity info to share, or want to say, "Hi," contact me at kgwritenow (at) yahoo dot com. To read more about me, click on the "ABOUT" link below.


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