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October 29, 2008


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Gavin Heaton

Thanks, Kristin! Now, that is the best formatting of the author list I have seen. Can we steal, I mean, share your code?


Hi Gavin! But of course! Steal, borrow, share, and take away! I'm glad you like it.

I'm off to buy my copy now. :)

C.B. Whittemore

Kristin,I love how you have organized this post! Thanks for getting the word out. I'm off to buy my copy, too. Hurray!


Hi C.B.! Thanks for the good words.

It's great to be a part of another fantastic group project. Go, Team AOC2!

David A

Would love to hear how social storytelling / digital storytelling like http://heekya.com is changing the way we do conversations.


David A — I have not heard of heekya.com, but I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip!

Amy Jussel

Hi Kristin, Since your alphabetical list has been a godsend for those of us posting author links, I thought I'd ask if you could shift my link to www.shapingyouth.org/blog

As it's not feeding into the blog right. Gavin's already switched it on the AOC site, but if you could do so as well, that would be grand.

Hate to miss all the link love, (especially as a nonprofit seeking more visibility for our causes) but sadly, I somehow have so far, as Technorati had a different account/feed. sigh. Thanks for the switch to add the /blog and for the great organizational formatting! :-) Appreciatively, Amy


Hi Amy — I've corrected your blog's URL. And you're welcome for the author formatting! I'm glad it's been helpful for AOC folks.

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  • My name is Kristin Gorski. I recently earned my doctorate (EdD) in instructional technology and media. My research focuses on technology and literacies, writing in digital spaces, and how media literacy may support academic literacy (among other incredibly interesting topics). On occasion, I’m also a freelance writer and editor. “Write now is good.” is my personal blog about writing, creativity and inspiration (with healthy doses of technology in relevant places). I started it in blogging's heyday (2006) and still post to it, time permitting. If you'd like to collaborate on a project, have writing/technology/creativity info to share, or want to say, "Hi," contact me at kgwritenow (at) yahoo dot com. To read more about me, click on the "ABOUT" link below.


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